Zirka, balsam
Manufacturer: “Danafa Pharmaceutical DSK”, Vietman
Active ingredients:
menthol, camphor, pepper mint oil, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, cinnamon oil
Indications for use:
An antipruritic agent which has anti-inflammatory, locally warming, antiseptic and anesthetic properties. The balsam’s effect manifests as weakening of inflammatory process and reflexive elimination of headache and myalgia caused by flu, cold-related diseases and other factors. It is used for symptomatic treatment of flu, dizziness, head ache, catarrh, running nose and for insect stings.
1 g contains:
menthol 41 mg, camphor 258 mg, pepper mint oil 125 mg, eucalyptus oil 88 mg, clove oil 9 mg, cinnamon oil 14 mg.
Balsam 4 mg, in a jar №1